So, what is SMAC and why it is the most sought after thing in e-commerce today?

The Information Technology industry has been riding the wave of newly emerging technological innovations even since its inception. The world of e-commerce has also had its share of impacts as a result of the same. The rules of business had to change in a need to hit the bull’s eye – to get closer to the customers and create newer and improved experience for them. The new master IT architecture that can promise the same is comprised of social, mobile, analytics and cloud technologies, also briefly known as SMAC.


Immense customer data is being generated by people using numerous digital devices. A business can use this data to its advantage only when all the four technologies, social, mobile, analytics and cloud technology work in tandem to create a ‘multiplying effect’. Social media helps to reach out to customers and interact whereas mobile technology can alter the way the customers communicate, shop and work.


Analytics give a platform to businesses to learn how, when and where their products or services are used. Cloud computing allows businesses to access data or technology that needs to be responded quickly in order to suit the changing markets. Each of the four technologies has their individual impact but when combined together, path breaking new business models can be created.


The effect of SMAC is phenomenal. It is the most feasible IT solution today that not only allows businesses to get closer to the customers by improving its operations, but also allows the same at minimal overhead and maximum reach at the same time. This allows even those IT companies to prosper that focus on cost cutting and yet want to move into higher margin projects that can help their clients grow.


More and more companies are trying to embrace SMAC enabled applications in search of increased productivity, convenience and more refined end user experience. Most significantly, it allows the retailers and other businesses to get the best of both the real and virtual worlds.

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